Tevis Claims

Know Your Rights.

The dissolution of a marriage accompanies all types of complications. We’re here to make those complications easier. BMB Law Firm provides defense services for anyone accused of a tevis claim. A tevis claim constitutes compensation for any personal or financial damages performed during a marriage. It is filed once the divorce has been finalized. These marital torts must be brought to court at this time or else they can no longer be considered.

Divorce initiates a stress of dividing a couple and often a family. The marital torts that can potentially pair with a divorce add another dimension of financial and emotional worry. If easy communication is not possible with your ex-spouse, allow the professionals to handle the situation. Our defense lawyers will tie up the situation as quickly and as pain-free as possible.

Our defense lawyers specialize in the following tevis claims:

Physical assault Intentional infliction of emotional distress False Imprisonment
Marital rape Battered Women’s Syndrome Slander

If you or someone you know is in the divorce process and potentially being charged with a tevis claim, contact us. We will openly explain your rights, your legal options, and the best possible consequences for your given situation.

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