Excessive Force
Know Your Rights.
The police and other law enforcers need to use force every day to handle uncooperative people, to break up a fight, etc. Unfortunately, this force can be abused by certain law enforcers in certain settings. This is what the law defines as excessive force. Although the term “excessive force” is not concretely defined in terms of actions, it can be defined as any act by a law enforcer that inhibits a person’s constitutional rights.

The subject of police brutality and excessive force is alive today more than ever. So it’s important to know your rights. The police are present to keep people safe and to enforce laws to increase this safety. When their interference goes beyond maintaining safety, excessive force is likely involved. The members of our law office are fully versed in your rights as a citizen, and will work for your utmost protection and justice when it comes to excessive force cases.
Here are some of the following that we defend against:
Excessive Force | Police Brutality |
False Arrest | Malicious Prosecution |
If you have been in any type of situation where you feel your rights have been violated by a law enforcer, contact us. We are available to offer any legal advice or to set up a consultation.